The Little Mermaid

Hunting Sirens

Hunting Sirens: A Little Mermaid Retelling by Mary Mecham (Legends of Neverland Book 2) For ten years, Treva has watched as sirens lured more and more of her countrymen to their doom until it was no longer safe to even fish from the shore. With people beginning to starve, she puts her blacksmith skills to […]

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To Break a Silence

To Break a Silence: A Little Mermaid Retelling by Lydia Mae (Shattered Tales book 5) Stella’s first trip to the surface nearly ends in disaster. To avoid being captured by the humans, she sings, a call that has all but one of the humans jumping into the sea. The young prince nearly drowns, and Stella

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Princess of Mermaids

Princess of Mermaids by A. G. Marshall (Book 3 of the Fairy Tale Adventure Series) A Little Mermaid Retelling Princess of Mermaids tells the story of another princess we first met in Princess of Shadows. These novels can all be read as stand-alones, but there’s so many delightful little connections between them that would be

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