To Heal a Broken Heart

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To Heal a Broken Heart: A Retelling of Beauty and the Beast by Aveline Brooke (Shattered Tales book 7)

After her beau is found kissing another girl, Anelise swears off men for good. Too bad she’s forced into a rushed engagement with a man who has even less regard for fidelity.

In order to protect her father’s reputation, Anelise goes along with it — but she knows she’ll never be happy. Her search for a love potion to blind her to her future husband’s flaws leads her to a powerful wizard: her old beau. 

Lucien acted like a snake and now he looks like one. A terrible curse has covered him in scales. There’s no way he can win back Anelise’s heart looking like this. 

Can hearts be mended before it’s too late?

“It would not help me heal to watch him suffer.”

This book tackles the topics of heartache and betrayal head on. Anelise must learn that her self worth isn’t tied up in whether her guy is faithful, but she’s already wise enough to know that revenge isn’t the answer. Lucien has to grow up a lot and realize that true love is more important than “experience.”

The world building was subtle with a historical feel and playful, showy magic. I loved it when Lucien made the tea without touching anything.

I did struggle with believing the character motivations. Brooke ended up rewriting this book at the last minute, so I’m sure there’s details she would have fleshed out had she had the time.

4 Roses
No swearing
A few kisses. Mild innuendo; some inebriation. Threats and manipulation.
No injuries