Chase the Legend: A Moby Dick Retelling by Hannah Kaye (A Classic Retold book 7)
Ilsa Starling has a good reason for walking away from her old life, but it’s not a reason she plans on sharing with anyone. To leave it all behind her, she travels to the farthest place she can, Map’s Edge, and boards a ship headed for the Edge.
Only dragon hunters go to the Edge. The oil from the dragons fuels their society, but only the most foolhardy are willing to brave the battle. Ilsa finds herself the first mate aboard the Relentless, serving under the enigmatic Captain Chase.
But will Ilsa face what she’s been running from in time? Or will Captain’s Chase hunger for revenge doom them all?
“They sat apart from each other, like scattered islands in a silent sea, each isolated in their private prayers.”
This story was so well-written, with language that evoked the most vivid settings and emotions. Ilsa and Captain Chase faced similar struggles, and their character arcs were so well-developed.
I loved the many side characters as well and how Ilsa grew with each of them. Yuri’s mixing up of English sayings brought lightness to sometimes darker conversations.
Hayes handled the topics of disability and chronic illness really well, and I appreciate that there was no magical healing in the end.
A wonderful retelling of Moby Dick full of heart, Truth, and faith.
5 Roses
No romantic elements
No swearing.
A few injuries and battles, but not descriptive at all.
Disability representation: Chronic illness, amputation, depression (includes a character recounting a time they no longer wanted to live).
(Thank you to the author for the ARC of this book. This is my honest review.)